High-energy, ultrashort-pulse ultraviolet lasers are useful for many practical applications—for example, fabrication of solar cells and flat-panel displays, 3-D information storage, cutting of thick sheets of material, photomask manufacturing, and remote sensing. However, the radiation from currently available femtosecond lasers cannot be easily converted into the ultraviolet (UV) because of self-focusing of the beam in nonlinear crystals. Only pulses of several picoseconds in length can be effectively converted to UV.
Conventional laser materials (such as Nd:YAG, YLF and YVO4 crystals, and Yb:YAG) having bandwidths of 5 to 10 cm-1 or more can amplify pulses that have an inverse linewidth corresponding to a few picoseconds or even shorter. But self-focusing prevents direct amplification, and so the vast majority of commercially available picosecond lasers have energy outputs of several millijoules or less.
Boosting the energy of such short pulses requires chirped-pulse amplification. We have developed a new double-pass nongrating stretcher-compressor for this purpose that has a relatively small clear aperture, is mechanically robust, and is relatively insensitive to optical misalignment. A double-pass laser amplifier and backward-reflecting mirror are located behind the device.